
Artistic Approach

Born in 1956 in St-Jean-Port-Joli, Rosaire Jean has always been surrounded by painters, sculptors and ceramists, and soon developed a keen interest for these arts.  Consequently, he started off in the field of sculpture under the leadership of such artists as Jean-Julien, Pierre and Nicole Bourgault and then moved on to religious art under the direction of Antoine Bérubé.

Being mostly a self-taught artist, he acquired the technical bases that are proper to most mediums by attending various courses and workshops given by renowned painters, such as St-Gilles, Hans Peter Beer, Luc Archambault, Armande Langelier, Georgette Pihay and Serge Robert.

It is undoubtly from 1988, through his work as an Ecologist, that his favourite subjects turned to landscapes, stretches of water, flowers and fruits. He had always enjoyed the challenge of capturing nature, wheter in its most active or static state, and conveying movement with the variation of its forms or the vibration of its colours.  Beauty must subtly shine out from this nature and always remain true to the feelings and moods that it inspires.

His style is and has always been figurative and impressionist, plus a tint of lyrism.